Thursday, March 21, 2013

Days 12-19: Shopping for Wonder Woman

You guys, I've been in it.  This girl has been consuming books, lectures, and audios like a dog with a tablespoon of peanut butter.  Perhaps I should embrace my curiosity but reading 7 books at a time is starting to seem a little bit like "emotional reading."  I tried to replace my emotional reading issue with emotional shopping.  But unfortunately, the Wonder Woman folder and matching mug didn't make it past check out. 
It got me thinking, "What the hell am I looking for?" (Sing to tune of Whatta you want from me?) I mean, I know that my pursuits are not in vain.  I know that I'm learning and growing.  But once again, I remind myself that this is NOT about collecting heaps of knowledge, wisdom, or Nordstrom points but rather creating space for all that is to come through me (including really great deals at Savvy).
Instead of wondering about my future and how to solve problems, it's time again to immerse myself in the wonder of being this woman. 

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